Real Estate Investments

Funding Land Deals

You just found your capital partner for land flipping.

Deal Funding

How Does It Work

We are not hard money lenders and we do not give out loans. We are looking for partnerships.
As a land flipper you will no longer be limited by your bank account. Actually you don’t need any cash to do deals. Croco Invest carries the risk and we split the profit with you.

Deal Review

Once you have a signed contract we will review the deal together.


You arrange for closing and we will foot the bill including closing costs.


You sell the property and we will split the profit.

How can we help you

Let us know!


Deal Review


Deal Funding


Business Growth

What we do

Why choose us

The founder of Croco Invest is an executive consultant and real estate investor for more than 15 years. His experience spans single-family, multi-family, apartments and land in Europe and America.

Business Consulting

Stefan has a strong business and technology consulting background. When it comes to processes and implementation of solutions he is a trusted advisor for dozens of companies, small businesses and global enterprises alike.

Sharing knowledge and learning along the way is truly a passion.

Real Estate Investing

He is also an investor actively sourcing deals. Land flipping, managing multi-family, renting out apartments. Stefan is doing business on both sides of the pond and loves variety.

That said, land is probably the greatest opportunity to get around most of the hassle that comes with the other fields of real estate.

Our partners


Having Croco Invest as a funding partner frees up equity capital for accelerated marketing and lead generation activities. We were able to increase growth much faster.


Treasurer, Sunside, Inc.

Let’s work together

You have a piece of land under contract and want to partner with us? Great!

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